Short on time, short on budget
When starting out, how much money you have and how you allocate it is crucial. Optimizing costs to find the ideal balance between your resources and how much you pay for them must be taken seriously from the get-go. In a world that moves at lightspeed, you need to do the same if you want to gain an advantage. Testing things out can be beneficial for your business, but not if you don’t have the time to do so. With effective methods, already proven to work, you can shorten the time it takes to reach your goals.
The safeINIT Solution
Startup Booster: A personalized solution, dedicated to optimizing your startup’s growth

safeINIT’s solution comes as a helping hand to tackle startup challenges.

Combining the latest cloud technologies provided by AWS and our proven experience of working with small businesses, we constantly deliver high-end solutions that address challenges from multiple perspectives.

With automated processes and easy-to-deploy infrastructures, our clients will have more time to dedicate to their core business. We proactively identify funding opportunities and come up with cost-reduction initiatives for cost optimization.

Implementing our solution helps you adapt fast to the cloud. This means that you and your business have more money and time available to explore growth opportunities.
Save Money
We will proactively look for funding opportunities and come up with cost-reduction initiatives.
Work Smarter
Leverage a professional AWS partner to make the infrastructure decisions and focus on what matters most: your application.
Scale Faster
safeINIT will suggest the best architecture for your workloads, taking into consideration auto-scaling best practices.
Reduce Risks
Avoid leaks and downtime by working with AWS certified professionals, whose goal is to see you succeed.
safeINIT on AWS
From the multitude of AWS services, safeINIT creates the right-sized package for your business objectives and challenges. Our proven experience working with small ventures and the immense power of cloud technologies brings our customers closer to their goals. We dedicate our focus to helping startups grow and giving them a trustworthy partner to rely on.
Best Practice Approach
safeINIT will offer an automated solution that deploys a prebuilt AWS Organization structure. Confidently deploy your workloads on AWS recommended reference architectures.
Prescriptive Guidance
safeINIT will offer a free, no strings attached, 1h consulting session prior to project kick-off in order to align expectations. Post meeting, you will receive a suggested architecture diagram, a full Scope of Work, effort and cost estimation so you can make the best business decisions moving forward.
Manage your Identities
safeINIT will integrate the customer’s existing IdP (G-Suite, Microsoft AD) with AWS SSO, free of charge. No longer burden yourself with having to manage IAM users and passwords in AWS and rely on a centralized identity provider instead.
Let’s get in touch and explore how we can accelerate your business.

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