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AWS Immersion Days

Led by experts, these tailored workshops give you the chance to get hands-on experience with AWS services

Cost Savings






As an AWS Advanced Tier Services Partner, we're excited to offer AWS Immersion Days - a series of workshops designed to help you learn about specific AWS services and solutions. Led by AWS experts, these workshops provide a unique opportunity to get hands-on experience with AWS services through lectures, demos, and practical exercises.

What are AWS Immersion Days?

What are AWS Immersion Days?

AWS Immersion Days are immersive, full-day workshops that provide a deep dive into specific AWS services and solutions. They are designed to help you learn about AWS services through a combination of lectures, demos, and hands-on exercises. These workshops are tailored to your specific needs and interests, so you can choose the AWS services and solutions that are most relevant to your business.

How do AWS Immersion Days work?

How do AWS Immersion Days work?

Our AWS Immersion Days are typically conducted in person, but we also offer virtual options for remote participants. Each workshop is led by AWS experts who will guide you through the material and answer your questions. You'll get hands-on experience with the AWS services through practical exercises that simulate real-world scenarios.

Our AWS Immersion Days cover a range of topics, including:

Our AWS Immersion Days cover a range of topics, including:



Learn about AWS networking services, such as VPC, ELB, and Route 53.

Application Modernization

Application Modernization

Modernize your applications with AWS services, such as ECS, EKS, and Lambda.

AWS Well-Architected

AWS Well-Architected

Learn how to design and operate reliable, secure, and efficient workloads on AWS.

Cost Optimization

Cost Optimization

Optimize AWS costs through best practices, tools, and services, such as AWS Cost Explorer.



Learn how to implement DevOps practices and tools on AWS, such as AWS CodePipeline and CodeDeploy.

Disaster Recovery

Disaster Recovery

Plan and implement disaster recovery strategies using AWS services, such as AWS Backup and AWS Site Recovery.

Edge Services

Edge Services

Learn about AWS edge services, such as CloudFront, Lambda@Edge, and Route 53.



Choose from a range of AWS services to create a customized immersion day experience.



Learn how to build and deploy serverless applications using AWS services, such as AWS Lambda and API Gateway.

Private AWS Immersion Days

Private AWS Immersion Days

In addition to our regularly scheduled AWS Immersion Days, we also offer private workshops that can be tailored specifically to your organization's needs. Private AWS Immersion Days provide a unique opportunity for you to work closely with AWS experts and gain a deep understanding of the AWS services and solutions that are most relevant to your business.

During a private AWS Immersion Day, our experts will work closely with your team to understand your specific goals and challenges. We'll then design a customized workshop that focuses on the AWS services and solutions that are most relevant to your business. Private workshops can be conducted in person or virtually, depending on your preferences and requirements.

Benefits of Private AWS Immersion Days

Benefits of Private AWS Immersion Days:

Private AWS Immersion Days offer several benefits over our regularly scheduled workshops, including:

Tailored content

Tailored content

Private workshops can be customized to focus on the specific AWS services and solutions that are most relevant to your business.



Private workshops provide a confidential setting where you can discuss your specific challenges and goals without sharing them with other organizations.



Private workshops can be scheduled at a time and location that is most convenient for your team.

Deeper engagement

Deeper engagement

Private workshops allow for deeper engagement between our experts and your team, as well as more opportunities for one-on-one interaction and discussion.

Why participate in AWS Immersion Days?

Why participate in AWS Immersion Days?

By participating in AWS Immersion Days, you'll gain a deeper understanding of AWS services and solutions, and how they can be used to address your business challenges. You'll also learn best practices and get practical tips for implementing and optimizing AWS services in your environment. By the end of the workshop, you'll have a solid foundation for using AWS services effectively.

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Enhance Your Business Efficienty & Growth

60 mins


+1000 Hrs