What others say about us

Cloud Offerings
Unlock your business potential with the right solutions
Using cloud services, you can automate manual tasks or processes such as deployments, development & test workflows, container management, and configuration management.
Monitoring / Logging
Your LMA stack will help point out issues in load, networking, and other resources before it becomes a failure point.
Security & Compliance
These processes include the communication, documentation, and automation of information security, compliance controls and procedures.
Help your team develop their skills and uncover business growth opportunities
DevOps on Demand
Our DevOps experts offer a broad range of knowledge, without you having to fork out for full time salaries.
Backup Strategy
Backups protect against human errors, hardware failure, virus attacks, power failure, and natural disasters. Backups can help save time and money if these failures occur.
Cost Optimization
A business-focused, continuous discipline to drive spending and cost reduction, while maximizing business value.
Cloud Networking
Some or all of the organization's network capabilities and resources are hosted in a public or private cloud platform, managed in-house or by a service provider, and available on demand.
You Imagine - We Implement
From planning to actual execution, safeINIT is your teammate in advancing your cloud journey.
We help businesses thrive by reaping the benefits of cloud technology.

We proactively enhance existing cloud infrastructure and experiment with the latest developments to ensure we provide state of-art solutions to our clients.
Our focus has always been on enabling startups and SMBs to leverage cloud capabilities - supported by DevOps, Automation, and Security - for accelerated growth with agile scalability, enhanced mobility, increased collaboration, and reduced cost.
Why Us
An in house experience with out of the world expertise
An expert extension of your team
We act as an expert extension of your team to make your cloud journey a value-based experience.
Up your game
Staying on top of things
Always on

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